
"diskimage-builder 是openstack社区用于制作镜像的工具,这里对基本的安装和使用进行了简单的介绍"

Posted by Xion on October 1, 2016      views:


diskimage-builder是openstack社区用于制作镜像的一个工具. 它的源码地址位于: https://github.com/openstack/diskimage-builder 官方的文档位于: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/diskimage-builder/


1 安装

dib的安装方式有两种:pip安装源码安装. 如果不需要对代码进行改变和定制的话可以直接进行源码安装,否则的话推荐使用源码安装

1.1 pip安装


pip install diskimage-builder

1.2 源码安装


git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/diskimage-builder
git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/dib-utils 将下面的bin目录加到路劲中:

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/diskimage-builder/bin:$(pwd)/dib-utils/bin

1.3 虚环境安装

虚拟环境可以为python提供一个独立的环境,非常适合用于调试和隔离,在tox工具中尤其用到 关于python虚环境的详细文档: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/ 关于tox工具的详细文档: https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/



$ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/diskimage-builder
$ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/dib-utils 建立虚环境:

$ virtualenv dib-env


$ souce dib-env/bin/activate


$ cd diskimage-builder
$ pip install .

2 制作第一个镜像


$ disk-image-create vm ubuntu 如果想记录dib运行过程中的所有输出,可以用如下命令

$ disk-image-create vm ubuntu 2>&1 | tee FILENAME


3 使用dib

dib使用element的方式来组织制作镜像的元素. 如果现有的元素已经能够覆盖当前制作镜像的需求,那么还需要了解下面相关的知识

3.1 dib参数列表


function show_options () {
    echo "Usage: ${SCRIPTNAME} [OPTION]... [ELEMENT]..."
    echo "Options:"
    echo "    -a i386|amd64|armhf -- set the architecture of the image(default amd64)"
    echo "    -o imagename -- set the imagename of the output image file(default image)"
    echo "    -t qcow2,tar,vhd,docker,aci,raw -- set the image types of the output image files (default qcow2)"
    echo "       File types should be comma separated. VHD outputting requires the vhd-util"
    echo "       executable be in your PATH. ACI outputting requires the ACI_MANIFEST "
    echo "       environment variable be a path to a manifest file."
    echo "    -x -- turn on tracing (use -x -x for very detailed tracing)"
    echo "    -u -- uncompressed; do not compress the image - larger but faster"
    echo "    -c -- clear environment before starting work"
    echo "    --image-size size -- image size in GB for the created image"
    echo "    --image-cache directory -- location for cached images(default ~/.cache/image-create)"
    echo "    --max-online-resize size -- max number of filesystem blocks to support when resizing."
    echo "       Useful if you want a really large root partition when the image is deployed."
    echo "       Using a very large value may run into a known bug in resize2fs."
    echo "       Setting the value to 274877906944 will get you a 1PB root file system."
    echo "       Making this value unnecessarily large will consume extra disk space "
    echo "       on the root partition with extra file system inodes."
    echo "    --min-tmpfs size -- minimum size in GB needed in tmpfs to build the image"
    echo "    --mkfs-options -- option flags to be passed directly to mkfs."
    echo "       Options should be passed as a single string value."
    echo "    --no-tmpfs -- do not use tmpfs to speed image build"
    echo "    --offline -- do not update cached resources"
    echo "    --qemu-img-options -- option flags to be passed directly to qemu-img."
    echo "       Options need to be comma separated, and follow the key=value pattern."
    echo "    --root-label label -- label for the root filesystem.  Defaults to 'cloudimg-rootfs'."
    echo "    --ramdisk-element -- specify the main element to be used for building ramdisks."
    echo "       Defaults to 'ramdisk'.  Should be set to 'dracut-ramdisk' for platforms such"
    echo "       as RHEL and CentOS that do not package busybox."
    echo "    --install-type -- specify the default installation type. Defaults to 'source'. Set to 'package' to use package based installations by default."
    echo "    --docker-target -- specify the repo and tag to use if the output type is docker. Defaults to the value of output imagename"
    if [ "$IS_RAMDISK" == "0" ]; then
        echo "    -n skip the default inclusion of the 'base' element"
        echo "    -p package[,package,package] -- list of packages to install in the image"
   echo "    -h|--help -- display this help and exit"
   echo "    --version -- display version and exit"
   echo "ELEMENTS_PATH will allow you to specify multiple locations for the elements."
   echo "NOTE: At least one distribution root element must be specified."
   echo "NOTE: If using the VHD output format you need to have a patched version of vhd-util installed for the image"
   echo "      to be bootable. The patch is available here: https://github.com/emonty/vhd-util/blob/master/debian/patches/citrix"
   echo "      and a PPA with the patched tool is available here: https://launchpad.net/~openstack-ci-core/+archive/ubuntu/vhd-util"
   echo "Examples:"
   if [ "$IS_RAMDISK" == "0" ]; then
       echo "    ${SCRIPTNAME} -a amd64 -o ubuntu-amd64 vm ubuntu"
       echo "    export ELEMENTS_PATH=~/source/tripleo-image-elements/elements"
       echo "    ${SCRIPTNAME} -a amd64 -o fedora-amd64-heat-cfntools vm fedora heat-cfntools"
       echo "    ${SCRIPTNAME} -a amd64 -o fedora-deploy deploy fedora"
       echo "    ${SCRIPTNAME} -a amd64 -o ubuntu-ramdisk ramdisk ubuntu"



export break 环境变量可以在特定的情况下,启动一个shell, 让你查看镜像的情况. Break 点的设置方法一般是: “break=[before|after]-hook-name”. 如果有多个break的点,可以用逗号隔开.


break=before-block-device-size 在块设备钩子前break
break=before-pre-install pre-install钩子前break
break=after-error 出错之后会break

3.3 DIB element

dib的element很多,这里有详细的信息,但是有相当一部分的文档写的不是很好.需要阅读源码才知道到底是干什么的.如果有疑问也可以在这里讨论 DIB element: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/diskimage-builder/elements.html

3.4 DIB运行的阶段



  1. root.d
  2. extra-data.d
  3. pre-install.d
  4. install.d
  5. post-install.d
  6. block-device.d
  7. finalise.d
  8. cleanup.d


Create or adapt the initial root filesystem content. This is where alternative distribution support is added, or customisations such as building on an existing image.

Only one element can use this at a time unless particular care is taken not to blindly overwrite but instead to adapt the context extracted by other elements.

runs: outside chroot inputs:



Pull in extra data from the host environment that hooks may need during image creation. This should copy any data (such as SSH keys, http proxy settings and the like) somewhere under $TMP_HOOKS_PATH.

runs: outside chroot inputs:

$TMP_HOOKS_PATH outputs: None


Run code in the chroot before customisation or packages are installed. A good place to add apt repositories.

runs: in chroot


Runs after pre-install.d in the chroot. This is a good place to install packages, chain into configuration management tools or do other image specific operations.

runs: in chroot


Run code in the chroot. This is a good place to perform tasks you want to handle after the OS/application install but before the first boot of the image. Some examples of use would be:

Run chkconfig to disable unneeded services

Clean the cache left by the package manager to reduce the size of the image.

runs: in chroot


Customise the block device that the image will be made on (for example to make partitions). Runs after the target tree has been fully populated but before the cleanup.d phase runs.

runs: outside chroot inputs:

$TARGET_ROOT={path} outputs:



Perform final tuning of the root filesystem. Runs in a chroot after the root filesystem content has been copied into the mounted filesystem: this is an appropriate place to reset SELinux metadata, install grub bootloaders and so on.

Because this happens inside the final image, it is important to limit operations here to only those necessary to affect the filesystem metadata and image itself. For most operations, post-install.d is preferred.

runs: in chroot


Perform cleanup of the root filesystem content. For instance, temporary settings to use the image build environment HTTP proxy are removed here in the dpkg element.

runs: outside chroot inputs:


4 总结
